the health system has been changed loads. there is no health regeneration at any level, all Mobs have increased health, eg. Zombies now have 200 health. but dont worry because you have 300 health. you can replenish your health with food or potions. as you go up levels you have a choice of increasing you health.

in Nyronia, there is a dynamic leveling system which allows the world around you to grow with you. for example if you were to level up, all the NPCs would become stronger and more powerful, but if you think that it will make it seem as if your not really getting any stronger, the weaker the NPC begins, the slower it levels up compared to you. for example, a weaker Mob might only get 20 points stronger, where as a stronger Mob might get 80 points stronger. it would give you the feeling that your slowly become stronger than NPCs. it means that as you continue you might become stronger than than some NPCs whilst other, stronger ones still stay more powerful, I wont go into too much detail about this (or anything really).

dreams are similar to the regular game but you play as a specific person and you have a backstory. depending on how you react in your dream, greatly effects you skills. in the dream you have to follow the story and dig as deep as you can into the character that you are and if you play it good then you can get skill bonuses.if you play evil people in the world will see it and not like you as much, there will be other evil people that will accept you still. you will also get skill rewards but different ones. more details soon.


in Nyronia there is a new terrain generation which makes the world seem more realistic and breathtaking. in stead of just having basic terrains we've added more types and made it impossible for a desert to be next to a snow tundra. We've added...

snow now only spawns at high altitudes( whats it doing at sea level?)
water now also spawns at high altitudes( so we can have awesome waterfalls XD)
flat tundras
snow more common
very dense forest

more to come as we proceed.

keys allow privacy and keep them annoying thieves out of your stuff. it also keep you out of others stuff. they are all unique so you cant use a sewer key for someones jewelery box. not much more to say on this

Thats right everybody, the plans are to have Quests, lots of them! with a large variety of different quests, Nyronia with be choc full of things to do and with as little as possible repeated quests, im sure you'll never get bored with them. quests will be activated but talking to people of by other means... the rest will be left for you to find out yourself.

im not going to say very much about this but it is an alternate dimension. all i can say is, to survive there, you'll have to forget everthing you know.

new NPCs have been added to the game to give it a more populated feel. an interactive GUI has also been added for right clicking on NPCs which allows you to trade, talk or quest interaction. each NPC has a dynamic scripting that give them an almost real lifestyle. Mobs, passive and hostile have increased in variety and numbers. mobs now spawn according to time and biome and only spawn in packs if they are that type of mob.

new foods have been added to the game just so that it seems like someone actually has cooking skill in the land. foods will also be craftable with a new blocks that are specifically made for cooking stuff.

alchemy will become alot more improved. there is alot more ingredients and recipies, as well as all combinations make a potion. poisons can also be made in alchemy. new blocks have been added and sometimes replacing old ones so that alchemy can be more intracate.

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